Birthdays for All Ages...

Fall brings a full season of birthdays for my family. We celebrated a few birthdays in recent weeks...
A sweet prince themed cake for my one-year-old nephew Evan,

a request for a Barbie cake from my niece Valarie and...

...a slot machine cake for Aunt Delores who celebrated her 80th Birthday. (She loves playing the slots!)

All super fun cakes...stay tuned for more...

Evan's Gift of Hearing

A new day brings new opportunties. Tomorrow is no exception. Tomorrow my nephew Evan will receive the gift of hearing through cochlear implants. He received the actual implants in August and is returning to Iowa City for the external processor and activation. We are so excited for Evan and the opportunities this will bring him.

My sister-in-law wanted to do something special for the doctors who are providing this gift of hearing to Evan. She asked me to create gift box cakes with a special message that says, "Thank you for the gift of hearing." It's utterly amazing what technology & medicine can do. Check out Evan's blog for the latest on his hearing journey.